How Can We Help

With over 5000+ combined hours of relevant experience, let us guide your company into Process Safety compliance

Layer Of Protection Analysis (LOPA)

Since its inception over 20 years ago, Layer of Protection Analysis has become the tool of choice for identifying and estimating Process Safety gaps in industry where hazards are present and need to be contained.

Our 2 day course, which has been delivered both in-house and in public, will be present the key tenets of the LOPA technique, demonstrating how to make your facility appropriately safe and profitable.

Effective Hazard and Operablility

More than 40 years after its inception, it is a major weapon in the battle to minimise incidents at oil and gas facilities worldwide. Effective Hazard and Operablility Review helps participants understand and apply the key principles of HAZOP to create optimally safe and operable process facilities.

Hazard and Operablility Masterclass

For those already experienced in the technique and who want to advance to the next level, our HAZOP Masterclass is a two day course which uses a combination of presentation, various multimedia and workshops to lead participants through the advanced attributes of this technique:

  • Benefit from the wisdom garnered from over 100+ HAZOPs / PHAs
  • Understand how to plan, implement, record and review a HAZOP study
  • Be aware of the different roles within a HAZOP team and understand the key characteristics required by a HAZOP chair and the importance of balancing the HAZOP team dynamic
  • Gain an appreciation of the softer skills required to ensure a successful HAZOP
  • Develop an instinct for the key HAZOP drivers and hidden traps by participating in a simulated chairing exercise

Process Safety Management

Process Safety Management(PSM) is fundamentally important in Oil, Gas and Petrochemical operations. There have been very many high profile incidents, resulting in fatalities and significant financial losses, which have resulted directly from poor Process Safety Management practices.

This course will familiarize key staff with the various aspects of Process Safety. Participants will understand the differences between both Process and Personal Safety. They will also learn the importance for effective reporting and follow-up for Process Safety Incidents and Near-Misses.

All our courses are presented in a highly interactive format.

Our Team Members are fully experienced in the subject matter and will keep participants engaged with case studies, interactive discussions and syndicate sessions.

Supporting materials include a comprehensive manual and handouts. Photography & Video material will be used to supplement the presented materials.